Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Weekly Update 1/8/14 - 1/17/14 (Two Weeks

Weekly Update
January 8th - 17th,  2013 (Two Week Update)

Learning Targets/Topics

Word Study/Spelling:
This week:
~ I can change and spell words in plural or present tense form that have special endings (· x, ch, sh, s, ss, tch, zz) by adding es and ( f, fe, or lf ) by changing the f to v and adding s or es.
Next Week:
~ I can change words that end in a vowel or y  by adding s to make plural or present tense.
~ I can change the y to i and add es when necessary.  
~ I can tell the sound the ed makes when added to words (/d/, /ed/, or /t/ sound)
~I can find key details in a story.
~I can tell the main idea of the story.
~ I can tell the topic of a story.
~I can solve multiplication problems with missing factors.
~ I can use missing factor strategies to help me find the quotient (answer to a division problem)
~ I can tell the four sentences in a mult/div fact family.  
~ I can use repeated subtraction to find the quotient.
~ I can connect division sentences and arrays.  
~ I can tell about different types of soil and identify the layers in soil.

Important Dates
1/9:  CANCELLED:  USA skating party from 6-8
1/14: 2 hour delay for teacher inservice
1/17: End of the 2nd 9 weeks grading period
1/20: No School
2/11: 2 hour delay for teacher inservice
2/13: Valentine’s Exchange
2/14: No School
2/17: No School

Questions? Contact Me
Mrs. Breslin
937-663-4449 ext 4319
*You can always send in a note or write to me in your child’s planner*
Don’t forget to check out our blog:
Student of the Week:

Valentine Box & Cards
Students will have the opportunity to bring in a Valentine box  from home and Valentine cards for the class.  More information will be sent home in the next two weeks with a class list.  
Community Food Pantries

St. Paris Federation of Churches runs a food pantry for community members that are in need.  The Food Pantry is open on Wednesdays from 6-8 and Saturdays (not sure of exact time) at the municipal building in St. Paris.  

Concord Food Pantry at the Concord Community Center is also servicing families in our area. They are open Thursday evenings from 5:30-7:00.

Snow Day Makeup Info

From Mr. Glissman:
We have now missed six full days of school this year.  Consequently, we need to make up one day already, and we'll need to make up every full day that we miss from now on.The first two days of spring break (March 31 and April 1) can and will be used as makeup days if needed.  March 31 will be used as a makeup day, and the next full day missed will trigger the use of April 1 as a makeup day.  Please keep this in mind as you begin to make your plans for spring break.  Any other makeup days needed will be added to the end of the year beginning on Monday, June 2.     

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