Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Weekly Update 9/14

Weekly Update
September 14-18th, 2015

Learning Targets/Topics
Word Study/Spelling:
For now we will not have word study/spelling.  We are focusing on classroom routines and how to do our guided reading workshop.  We expect to begin word study in late September.
~I can use our classroom library correctly.
~I can discuss the genre of books I am reading.
~ I can follow the guidelines during reader’s workshop.
~ I can write a response to my reading.
~ I can write a letter to someone about a book I’m reading.
~ I can use my writer’s notebook to write ideas for writing. (planting seeds to write about later)
~ I can read and use a map; I can create a simple map.
~ I can find and copy poems and write a response about
~ I can represent 3 digit numbers in different ways.
~ I can complete the pattern on a number line.
~ I can find the number halfway between two numbers.
~ I can round numbers to the nearest 10
~ I can round numbers to the nearest 100
~ I can use an organized list to find all possible outcomes of   
  an event.
Important Dates:
9/14: Board of Education Meeting 6:00pm @GES
9/24: Tie Dye T-Shirts
9/24: Ohio Caverns Slip and money($9.00) DUE
9/25: No School
9/26: Graham Band Festival 7:00 @GHS
9/29: Standards Based Grading System Parent              
         info night- 6:00pm @ GES
10/2: Ohio Caverns Field Trip- More info coming soon!
Lunch Menu
~ If you haven’t already done so, PLEASE sign up
    for REMIND by texting this number:  81010  
    Enter this message:  @mrsbreslin

Buddy Classrooms
This year, each classroom on the intermediate side has been paired up with a classroom on the primary side to promote a sense of community and family in our school.  We will meet with our buddy class 1-2 times a month and share activities with them.  Our buddy class is Mrs. Jacob’s first grade class.
Questions? Contact Me:
Mrs. Breslin: breslink@grahamlocalschools.org
937-663-4449 ext 4319
*You can always send in a note or write to me in your child’s planner*
Our classroom blog will be updated soon.  Check it out at mrsbreslin.blogspot.com
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Related Arts Rotation
Week of:        Mon       Tues     Wed      Thurs    Fri    
Sep. 14-18
Sep. 21-25
Tie Dye
We will be tie-dying t-shirts on September 24th.  Your child needs to bring in a freshly laundered, white, 100% cotton t-shirt.  Any extra shirt donations are greatly appreciated.  Please send in the shirts by Tuesday, September 22nd.  Thank you!

      PTO Mumpkins Fundraiser
Order forms and money are due Monday Sept. 21st.  Please make all checks payable to GES PTO.

Permission slips and information came home today! Let us know if you have any questions about this trip.  We are all very excited to go.

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