Weekly Update
Sept.5-9, 2015
Learning Targets/Topics
Word Study/Spelling:
We expect to begin word study in mid September.
~I can use our classroom library correctly.
~I can choose “Just Right” books.
~ I can discuss the reasons I choose books.
~ I can write and discuss my thoughts about books I am reading.
~ I can use my writer’s notebook to write ideas for writing. (planting seeds to write about later)
~ I know and understand the place and value system for 3 and 4 digit numbers.
~ I can read and write three digit numbers.
~ I can locate and write numbers on a number line.
~ I can complete the pattern on a number line.
~ I can follow the scientific inquiry process by: creating testable questions, creating a hypothesis, testing my hypothesis, observing, recording and analyzing data, and drawing conclusions.
Important Dates:
9-5: Labor Day: No school
9-6: Fall PTO Fundraiser Kick-Off (3:00)
9-9: 2 Hour Delay
9-12: Mobile Dentis
9-12: Picture Day K-2
9-13: Picture Day 3-5
9-19: Mumpkin Orders Due
9-23: No School for Students
9-26: PTO meeting 7pm @GES
Lunch Menu
~Please sign your child’s planner each night.
~Please send in a family photo for us to put up in the classroom if you have not already done so.
~ Please send lunch money in an envelope or baggie with your child’s first and last name, the amount you are sending, and their lunch account number.
~ Reading Records came home today. It is our goal to make reading fun and to try and foster a love of reading in our kids!
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Questions? Contact Me:
937-663-4449 ext 4319
*You can always send in a note or write to me in your child’s planner*
Our classroom blog is up and running. Use this to see your child in action and to know what skills we are working on and how you can help at home. Check it out at mrsbreslin.blogspot.com
Related Arts Rotation
Week of: Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri
Number Sense
Our number system is made of a pattern that repeats itself over and over again. When students recognize this pattern and can work with the pattern in many ways, they have a better understanding of numbers and therefore do far better in math. One VERY important concept students need to understand is the relationship between ones, tens, and hundreds. Students in third grade should be able to say what is 1, 10, or 100 more or less than any 4 digit number within just a few seconds. Ex: What is 100 more than 356? What is 10 less than 627? Use base ten blocks, hundreds charts, and number lines to help teach this skill. Practice in the car, at dinner, etc When your child is able to do this, their math skills will drastically improve.
Thanks A Bunch!
Thank you for a fantastic first couple of weeks. I greatly appreciate you sending in all the necessary school supplies and paperwork. An extra thank you to those of you who sent in beginning of the year donations!
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