Monday, September 9, 2013

Weekly Update 9-9-13

Breslin Weekly update
September 9th - 13th, 2013
Mrs. Breslin’s 3rd Grade Classroom

Learning Targets/Topics
Word Study/Spelling:
~I can spell high frequency words correctly.
~I can use my spelling words in sentences that make sense.
~ I can write about what I’m reading in my reader’s notebook.
~ I can write a friendly letter that has 5 parts.
~ I can proofread my letter to make sure it has everything that’s needed.
~ I can round to the nearest ten and hundred.
~ I can estimate a sum.
~ I can solve real life math problems.
Please send in a clean, mismatched extra sock that you have at home for your child to use as a dry erase marker for our whiteboards. ☺
Important Dates
9/10: 2 hour delay for staff training
9/12: Book Order Due
9/13: Mrs. Breslin out in pm (Professional Development)
9/25-10/1: Book Fair
9/26 & 10/1: Parent/Teacher Conferences
9/27: Mobile Dentist
9/30: PTO Meeting
10/1: September Reading Log Due
10/4: No School
~Your child’s first spelling list will come home this week. This will be a practice list with only 5 words on it. Just like last year, your child will be using a “buddy” system for their spelling tests and practice. This first week we will be learning all about how this will run in 3rd grade. New words will come home on Wednesdays and spelling tests will be on Tuesdays.
~Please sign your child’s planner each night.
~Please make sure your child fills out their own reading log. You only need to sign it at the end of the month. ~Some students still need a family photo for their cubby.
Questions? Contact Me:
Mrs. Breslin
937-663-4449 ext 4319
Don’t forget to check out our blog:
*You can always send in a note or write to me in your child’s planner*

Student of the Week
Flat Stanley
    Thank you for sending in your Flat Stanley addresses. We are excited about mailing Stanley and a letter to our friends and family! If you have not had a chance to send in your address, please do so as soon as possible. If you do not have anyone that your child could send Stanley to, I know a place we could send their Stanley that your child would really enjoy, so just let me know if that’s the case. Thanks for all your home support. When we work together it makes for a great 3rd grade year!
               Since we have an early lunch time, I am allowing the students to bring in a healthy snack to enjoy during the afternoon. We do not  take a snack break, rather we enjoy our snack while we are reading and writing so it is important to send a snack that is quick and easy.  If you are able to send in a healthy snack for your child, I know they would appreciate it. They end up very hungry a few hours after lunch is over. Please do not send anything sugary like candy or fruit snacks. Also, the only beverage they may have in class is water.

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